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Missiva, our historical newsletter, has suffered a temporary setback since February, due to a technical problem beyond our control, which we are working to resolve quickly.

What happened: Venipedia is built with several tools, chosen from industry leaders, on which to best develop our infrastructure to give you the best experience. Until now Missiva has been run directly with such a platform, separate from the rest of Venipedia.

Recently, after more than 10 years of "broadcasting" without leaks, a technical problem occurred that wiped out the entire subscriber base in the platform of our vendor, which, although it took over our requests, failed to resolve.

Thus, we decided to accelerate the already planned and scheduled phase of transition from their platform to the one that is managed directly by us and that feeds all the content of Venipedia and the other two newsletters, "Five from the Encyclopedia" and "One Content a Day."

Why we need your help: not being able to rely on working backups of recent data from the platform previously in use, we find it somewhat difficult to figure out whether you, for example, no longer want to receive Missive, or only temporarily, or are newly subscribed. To do this while respecting your privacy, we need your initial help.

How we will proceed: with three actions:

  1. The publication of this notice and its highlighting on Venipedia for a period of 2 months (with communication also via our channels in Twitter, Facebook, Mastodon and Telegram)
  2. The collection of new subscribers or the (re)enrollment of previous subscribers through the new platform.
  3. The one-time sending, as soon as we are ready to do so, of a special issue of Missiva, dedicated (also) to this particular and temporary problem, and the publication of a new communication with all relevant instructions, linked to this one.

In detail, the communication will contain instructions for these three cases:

  • you created an account or subscription to Venipedia before May 2020,
  • you created an account or subscription to Venipedia on or after May 2020,
  • you have made a Missive-only subscription.

We would have loved to give you the new Missiva without inconvenience, but sometimes Murphy's Law really gets busy.

However, we are happy to accelerate the transition to the new Missiva management because it allows us to offer you a finally unified experience of all of Venipedia, along with the opportunity to further improve the Missiva itself.

Thank you for your patience and availability.

Always yours,
the Venipedian Masters

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