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Scuola Grande di San Giovanni Evangelista
Founded in 1261, in the church of Sant'Apollinare, by the brotherhood devoted to San Giovanni Evangelista, in 1414 the old hospice for needy women by the Badoer family was purchased and restored to provide the brotherhood with a suitable place to
Palazzetto Bru Zane
The Palazzetto Bru Zane was built in 1695 at the behest of Marino Zane a few meters from the family residence, Palazzo Zane; this manor house was renovated by Baldassare Longhena in 1665 on the decision of Domenico Zane.
Villa Settembrini
Villa Settembrini is located in the center of Mestre, has a service building and a park-garden that welcomes those who enter from its entrance gate.
Villa Querini
Eighteenth-century Venetian villa located at the confluence of via Verdi and via Circonvallazione.
Palazzo Balbi
Nicolò Balbi had this palace built by the architect and sculptor Alessandro Vittoria who moved from Trento to Venice on purpose in Sansovino's workshop and finished the works in 8 years (1582 - 1590): the final result was a masterpiece and represe
Palazzo Grassi
In order to erect a direction worthy of family prestige, Zuanne and Angelo Grassi acquired over the years several properties in the area between the Grand Canal and Campo San Samuele.
Palace Ca' Vendramin Calergi
One of the most architecturally eccentric palaces in Venice, composed of three levels divided by accentuated string courses, supported by semi-columns with superimposed orders defined as "ancient": Doric, Ionic and Corinthian.
Palace Gritti Dandolo
Palazzo Gritti Dandolo, for many only Palazzo Gritti, belonged to two Venetian families, the Gritti and the Dandolo, as evidenced by the logos of the respective dynasties affixed to the facade facing the Grand Canal.
Ca' Foscari
The palace, built in 1453 at the behest of Doge Francesco Foscari, is now the seat of the Ca 'Foscari University of Venice.
Palace Genovese
Its construction dates back to the end of the nineteenth century, precisely 1892, by the hand of the architect Edoardo Trigomi Mattei in the place where the ancient abbey of San Gregorio stood, from which the name of the field derives.
Former Scuola Grande di Santa Maria della Carità
Built in 1260, it was one of the oldest Grand Schools in Venice and is part of the list of the so-called "dei Battuti" schools.
Palace Malipiero Trevisan
The building was built between the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries and can be reached - from Campo Santa Maria Formosa - along a small private bridge.
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