From the origins to MOSE. A pocket-sized journey through time, from pre-Venice Venice to the present day. Accompanied by images, works of art and curious glances at the world's most unique and beloved city.
Why a Pocket History of Venice? Pocket-size because it is quick, pocket-size because it is essential, pocket-size because it is convenient to consult.
Recognised universally as one of the most beautiful cities in the world, Venice never ceases to amaze even as it traces its many years of life: a history more than a thousand years old on its shoulders, but carried well. In the events recounted in this work, the adventures and travails of Venice unfold like a film: the dark beginnings, the internal organisation, the struggles with pirates, the vicissitudes in Greece and the Orient, the sea storms, the tourist invasion, the sea defences. All these events have shaped the very special physiognomy of the city: a small city, but one that has always been a bastion of intellectual and religious freedom, rich in artists, poets, craftsmen and enlightened minds that have shaped its beauty.