Login — or — register

To request the deletion of your account and related data, send us an e-mail to [email protected] and we will initiate the procedure to remove your account and data as soon as possible. Here's how it works:

  1. You send us the removal request, indicating the e-mail address of your Venipedia Account
  2. We start the procedure
  3. You receive an e-mail from the system confirming that you actually want to remove your data and account
  4. You click on the link to confirm the end of the procedure
  5. We start the data deletion
  6. Your data has been deleted and your account deleted

Please note: all data required by law will be stored (such as e-commerce transactions or technical data relating to your operations on our platforms) for as long as necessary.

In case you do not receive the cancellation e-mail, please do not hesitate to contact us, we will resend it.

We're sorry you're leaving, we hope you come back soon 🤗