Venezia, 1969 / Paolo Monti. - Strisce: 4, Fotogrammi complessivi: 17 : Negativo b/n, gelatina bromuro d'argento/ pellicola ; 35 mm.

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Palazzo da Mula, with its exquisite 16th-century appearance, dates back to the distant 12th century and has certainly undergone numerous alterations during its long existence.We do not know the names of those who contributed to its construction, but its convenient location along the widest canal on the island of Murano appealed to many nobles, around which it is said that Caterina Corner, Queen of Cyprus, and noble families such as the Contarini, Mocenigo, Giustinian, Trevisan, Pesaro and Cappello families also found holiday accommodation.The first inhabitants of the house, as evidenced by a p

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